The Top Ten Interview Techniques to Achieve Diversity
1. Make certain that you give all applicants the same information and get their questions answered.
2. Use pictures, interpreters, and other resources to get around language problems when they exist.
3. Make certain that you ask every interviewee seeking a particular job position the same questions.
4. Avoid prejudging applicants based on appearance. Ask yourself how you can help each applicant put her or his best foot forward.
5. Do not jump to conclusions about someone’s ability based on age, gender, race, ethnic group, accent, or physical ability.
6. Create a diverse interview team even if it means temporarily hiring people to help with interviewing.
7. Recognize your own hiring practices and compensate for them in achieving diversity.
8. Know what your prejudices and stereotypes are so that you can keep them in check during interviewing and hiring.
9. Be knowledgeable about behaviors that are off-putting to different cultural groups.
10. Make certain that the written application questions and tests you use have been tested for cultural bias and ease of understanding.
Based on: Gardenswartz, Lee, and Anita Rowe. Managing Diversity: A Complete Desk Reference & Planning Guide (Alexandria, VA: Society For Human Resource Management, 2010).