The Top Ten Compassionate Responses to Violence

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The Top Ten Compassionate Responses to Violence

Responding to violence with violence promotes and sustains a cycle of violence. Responding to violence with compassion directs attention to relieving human suffering–even that of those who engage in violence. The following list is intended to help us be mindful of the relationship between violence and human suffering, as well as healthier ways to address violence.

1. Remember that protecting human life is the highest form of being–regardless of how a person is and what the person has done.

2. Practice generosity by sharing your time, energy, and material goods with those in need.

3. Be mindful of how your personal power (e.g., authority and status) can create barriers for others attempting to reach their potential.

4. Be mindful of how your words can hurt others. Use words that create happiness.

5. Understand that building a weapon or possessing one is an act of violence.

6. Recognize that ideological differences can lead to the severest violence, e.g., historical religious wars.

7. Work hard at becoming aware of your own fears, anger, and confusion that may lead to violence.

8. Learn peaceful ways of responding to violence, e.g., empathy, love, and nonviolent demonstrations.

9. Write down a list of nonviolent responses to violence, and repeat them several times a day.

10. Practice peace with others who believe in nonviolence.

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