The Top Ten Effective Intercultural Feedback Strategies

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The Top Ten Effective Intercultural Feedback Strategies

1. Most essential of all is that feedback be timely and shared at the right place. Therefore, relaxed surroundings and sufficient time for complete discussion are vital to any good feedback session.

2. The specific focus should be on the task at hand and the behavior, not the person. Feedback provided by a manager should be about specific shortcomings that the employee can take steps to rectify in the future, or about specific things s/he is now doing well. In other words, good feedback confines itself to an employee’s actual behaviors, and doesn’t attempt to assess or critique them in depth.

3. Feedback must take into account the needs of the employee, his/her concerns and desires.

4. If it is to be effective, feedback must be two-way. The person giving feedback must make himself/herself an active listener, by continuously seeking and getting clarification.

5. Feedback should be given not just when improvement is needed, but also when the employee seems to be doing just fine.

6. Feedback should not be given when you are too busy, angry, or tired–i.e., in any of those states of emotionally induced mental stability that we all go through.

7. Feedback should always be checked up on, to see if it has been received accurately.

8. If your goal is to build trust and respect, never, never rely upon feedback from anonymous sources.

9. Give feedback by indicating that it is your observation and need not reflect the person’s self perception.

10. Empower the person to assist in determining how to respond to any challenges reflected in your feedback.

Based primarily on: Fernandez, John P., and Jules Davis. Race, Gender, & Rhetoric The True State of Race and Gender Relations in Corporate America (McGraw-Hill, 1999).

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