The Top Ten Sexual Harassment Misconceptions
1. Nice women do not get harassed.
2. Women ask for it.
3. Men do not get harassed.
4. Sexual harassment is a blue-collar worker problem.
5. Harassment is a crude form of communication used by uneducated people.
6. Sexual harassment exists only in the minds of women with overactive imaginations.
7. Only uptight and maladjusted women with sexual and social hang-ups claim to have been harassed.
8. Most harassment claims are merely a form of retaliation against a supervisor or coworker.
9. People who are incompetent and fear the loss of their jobs hide under the “discrimination” umbrella and claim that they are being harassed in order to save a job they otherwise would not be able to hold.
10. The issue of sexual harassment is raised to mask a communication problem between a manager and a subordinate.
Based in part on: Neville, Kathleen. Corporate Attractions: An Inside Account of Sexual Harassment With the New Sexual Rules for Men and Women on the Job (Washington, DC: Acropolis Books, Ltd., 1990) 144-145.